Welcome, minions, to our (hopefully) monthly column called Worthy Bands. A Worthy Band is a band that has shared the stage with your LORDS, and did not instantly cower behind their amps, disintegrate, or simultaneously die of heart attacks. Showing this bravery gains them favor in the eyes of their LORDS, and we think you should know more about them! So, without further ado, let us introduce this month’s Worthy Band:
During the fall of 2014, your LORDS were chosen to represent the city of Madison in the annual BandSwap program. BandSwap matches bands from Fort Collins, Colorado with numerous other bands around the country in a city-sponsored gig swap. This year’s match was Stella Luce.
My first thought upon listening to Stella Luce was – I wonder how a band that describes themselves as “quirky blend of indie-rock, ethnic strings, and electronic experimentation” was going to react when they found out they had been paired with the most METAL band on earth?
My second thought was – “oh, those poor instruments!” You see, Stella Luce plays what is commonly known in the metal community as “Grandpa’s Guitars”, AKA hollow, easily flammable acoustic instruments, and I had guessed that coming into contact with our music would cause them to explode, or perhaps catch fire. So what’s a courteous barbarian to do? After all, we were acting as ambassadors of the city of Madison. Simply letting those instruments disintegrate would be uncouth.
Luckily, Stella Luce was more than willing to cast their instruments in liquid silver, to prevent shattering. This also had an added benefit of protecting against werewolves. Never say Fang isn’t a thinker!
Stella Luce certainly didn’t disappoint, and for wielding Grandpas Guitars, their sound was surprisingly heavy-hitting! The Madison battle was a success! But the bigger battle was soon to take place, as a few months later we boarded a plane and made our way to the city of Fort Collins to do battle on their home turf. The entire trip was cataloged on our YouTube channel, but here’s a highlight – Killius Maximus taking the stage and providing blazing guitar solos for their cover of Nine Inch Nails “Terrible Lie” (Starts at 5:23):
Speaking of terrible, we all had the terrible decision to have our backs waxed. Or perhaps it was a good decision, considering the reaction of the ladies who touched our baby-smooth skin. You be the judge:
For being gracious hosts, and for proving that Grandpas Guitars certainly CAN rock (at least, after being reinforced with pure silver), we deem Stella Luce WORTHY! Although it isn’t your standard METAL fare, check out their music here:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StellaLuceMusic