“Los Angeles” Cover Video Released!

Fang VonWrathensteinUpdates

Outside of metal, one of our favorite bands is The Midnight. Driving home from gigs in the early morning hours, streetlights pulsing on the deserted freeway while the lights of the city flicker behind us…something about their music just sets the mood perfectly. Asian Metal and I were lucky enough to see the band in Chicago in 2018 – their …

FORCED to listen to POP MUSIC!?

Fang VonWrathensteinUpdates

Your It’s true! Shadowy YouTube forces caught us with our armor down, tied us to a chair, held a gun to Fang’s favorite bottle of Goose Island Bourbon County Stout, and FORCED us to listen to pop music! AHHHHHH!!! Although the experience was traumatizing, our reactions were pretty hilarious. Could our pain become your pleasure? Is that last sentence weird? You’ll find the answer …

SegaCD Game! Chasing Shadows 100% Playthrough

Fang VonWrathensteinUpdates

Currently, it’s trendy for many indie and underground bands to release their music on dead media like cassettes, but Lords of The Trident has taken it one step further. Their latest video for the song “Chasing Shadows” off of their latest album “Shadows From The Past” is being released exclusively as a game that actually works on the SEGA CD console. The video game console, popular …


Fang VonWrathensteinUpdates

Hey all, this is Ty from Lords of the Trident (the fest organizer). Now that I’ve had a chance to sleep for 30-ish hours, I think I’m ready to type out my fest wrap-up post for Mad With Power Fest 2017. First and foremost, a GIGANTIC thanks to everyone who came, everyone who traveled long distances to come, and everyone who dragged …

MEAD + BEER + ARCADE + METAL at Mad With Power 2017!

Fang VonWrathensteinUncategorized, Updates

***BIG NEWS*** It’s official – Bos Meadery will be releasing the Lords of the Trident mead at Mad With Power 2017! We’re super excited to once again partner with the best Meadery in the world to release an awesome, custom, BLOOD RED mead for MWP 2017! BUT’S THAT’S NOT ALL – Droids Attack will ALSO be releasing their latest CUSTOM BEER (tentatively called “Fatal/Error”) at MWP …

Guitar World – MUSIC OF THE ARCANE #2!

Fang VonWrathensteinUpdates

Our Baron returns to Guitar World magazine with his second MUSIC OF THE ARCANE column. Check it out here: http://www.guitarworld.com/lessons-shred/how-play-aristocratic-arpeggios/29181 PDF of the lesson here!

New EP – METAL Kidz Bop!

Fang VonWrathensteinUpdates

Hails minions! We’ve been keeping this under wraps for a while now, but we’re ready to announce a new EP from your LORDS! While we were recording our last covers EP, re:Quests, we decided to re-record some of our older hits in a new format. You see, we’ve pretty much conquered the METAL market for digital downloads (thanks to your …

Patreon Launched!

Fang VonWrathensteinUpdates, Videos

HAILS, MINIONS! We’ve had quite a week! After a successful battle opening for STEEL PANTHER in Madison, WI, we’re celebrating by launching our brand new Patreon campaign! What is Patreon? As many of you know, the music industry has changed drastically over the past 15 years. Gone are the days of gold-plated-shark-tank-bars and artists actually making a living after signing …

Words of Fang – YourBandName.com

Fang VonWrathensteinUpdates

This month on Words of Fang, we teach you how to set up a website just like the one you’re looking at right now! Woah, website inception! http://www.welovemetal.com/newsite/wordpress/2015/04/22/words-of-fang-yourband-com/